Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Nikki Goes To New York

Trump isn't always playing 4D chess. He makes mistakes.

Nimrata Randhawa for UN Ambassador isn't one of them. This is brilliant. Consider:

1. South Carolina now can elect a governor who actually understands and supports South Carolina.

2. Globalists in the UN have precisely nothing to rally around. They don't get an old school neocon or Israeli-firster with deep connections. They get a lightweight governor who hits the multicultural check-boxes and little else. No leverage, no conduit into the administration.

3. Epic troll move. Trump has neutralized the first wave of 'muh women, muh minorities'. And even better, he gave her a worthless position that nobody can admit it worthless. Globalists have to pretend that the UN ambassador is a prestigious, meaningful position in the US power structure. But of course they know it's not. Nikki can wine and dine in Manhattan and be the face of Diversity, Inc while the rest of us get down to the work of Making America Great Again. Win-win.

This won't shut up the Raciss, Sexiss crowd for good of course, but we don't care if they shout anyway. What this does do though is discredit them to normies if they start shouting too loudly. It makes Trump look less dangerous, less radical... all while the left rants impotently and we start shipping people south of the wall as fast as the buses can run.

I expect to see several moves like this from Trump. Positions that really matter for our top priorities - restoring this nation's demographics and getting rid of those that want to kill us - must go to white men of good nationalist character. Men like Sessions and Kobach. Attorney General. State. Defense. Energy & Interior also deserve worthy candidates dedicated to Winning as well. But the UN? Smoke and mirrors my friends. Hell, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if Romney gets some position that he can go full economic wonk on, restructuring like the Salt Lake Olympics, but something that is low profile enough and "bipartisan" and won't make Romney the number one cuck in 2024. Something that everyone agrees needs fixing. Romney, Gabbard, Webb: those types will do for us what people like McCain and Specter do for the left.

Use the labor of our enemies for our own interests. This is what the left has done to whites for my entire life. Tables are turning.

Remember everyone, Trump spent months mocking Obama and Hillary for broadcasting their plans to our enemies in advance; we don't want or expect Trump to give the enemy our roadmap before we're even officially in the driver's seat.

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